Credit debt on VTB24 salary card. The concept of VTB over-limit debt and its permissible terms Why is there debt on the VTB 24 card

VTB 24 over-limit debt is provided for when a bank client uses funds not from his personal account, but from a bank account. Let’s find out what it is and why it occurs.

The concept of overdraft and excess debt

Before talking about excess debt at VTB 24, you should find out where it comes from. This type of debt arises from exceeding your own cash limit on your debit card.

Overdraft- this is an overexpenditure of funds issued by a bank to a person at a certain percentage. If the overdraft limit begins to be exceeded by a VTB 24 client, then an over-limit debt is formed, in other words, a loan is taken out (accidentally or purposefully).

To make it clearer, let's analyze the situation. A person has, the balance on the card after the salary arrives is 50 thousand rubles. This is not a credit card, but a regular debit card, and these concepts should not be confused. When using a card for non-cash payments, money is constantly withdrawn, and when a person makes a purchase for which there is not enough money in the account, the bank automatically adds its capital. From this moment on, debt arises.

A person may not even know about its existence until he checks the balance on the VTB 24 card. But a bank client can use such a service purposefully, not take out a separate loan, but use overdrawn funds for a short period of time, and then return them to the bank.

The excess debt will grow if the VTB 24 client does not begin to repay it on time. Interest is calculated on the amount of debt and increases every day.

The concept of technical overdraft

A usual excess of the limit on a card can occur due to a person’s desire or carelessness, or it can occur for technical reasons.

Exceeding the overdraft limit may occur due to:

  • A computer error, when a person has not entered the money, without knowing it, he spends the money, and the balance goes into the minus.
  • Currency conversions - rate fluctuations and transfers via currency cards can lead to a change in the expected balance, causing a person to begin to incur losses.
  • Carrying out transactions on the card that exceed the balance on the client’s account, although in reality the amount should have been different or the write-off should not have been carried out at all.
  • Delays in the receipt of money on the card, which leads to the formation of arrears.

Related article:

Review of salary cards from VTB 24 Bank

A technical overdraft cannot be seen in your credit history. If a debt exceeds the limit due to technical reasons, you should contact the bank to resolve the problem. Interest and penalties for a technical overdraft are not charged to a VTB 24 client. The bank must correct the situation, and the person must only pay off the debt for which he himself is responsible.


Terms of use

An over-limit debt is a kind of loan issued to a bank client by default after the personal funds on the card are exhausted. Exceeding the overdraft limit has its own rules for use:

  • There is a certain period (usually a calendar month) during which a person can repay the debt with his own funds only for the money borrowed without paying interest.
  • The account balance is charged 20% per annum.
  • Every month, a VTB 24 client must make payments to repay the debt in an amount of no less than 10% of the debt amount.
  • The overdraft limit for each VTB 24 person is selected individually.

A person is obliged to repay excess debt by following these rules. You also need to know about them before taking out such a loan so as not to lose a large amount.

What should I do to pay off my debt?

Repayment of over-limit debt is carried out according to two algorithms, depending on the reason for its occurrence:

  1. If a person knowingly or accidentally spent bank funds, then it is enough to deposit the required amount for repayment on the card, and it will automatically be debited from the account. You need to deposit funds taking into account interest in order to completely cover the debt, and it does not continue to grow.
  2. If you have a technical overdraft, you should contact the VTB 24 branch with your passport and indicate the error that has occurred. If the bank refuses to correct the situation, then the person can prove his case in court. After correcting the technical error, the account will be normalized and the person will be able to see whether he has a real debt and what its size is.

Many people deliberately refuse an overdraft so as not to accidentally start using bank funds and then overpay for it. It’s easy to refuse the service - you need to go to a bank branch and provide your passport. A VTB 24 employee will ask the client to write a statement of the appropriate form.

23.10.2013 21:06:49

Hello! I had the following problem when using a VTB24 debit (salary) card. At the beginning of August of this year, I paid using a card, which, as it turned out later, did not contain funds, but the operation was carried out anyway. After about 2 weeks, I received a call from the bank (auto-informer) and was informed about my debt and the need to repay it. The problem is that at the time of the call from the bank and to this day I was undergoing treatment for an injury (leg fracture), which significantly limited my ability to move. I immediately called the department servicing bank cards and warned about the current situation, but the only way to solve the problem, which the bank employee suggested, was to transfer the card and PIN code to another person who could deposit funds into the account. Despite the possible risk, I handed over the card and the funds were deposited, but now it turns out that the amount indicated by the bank employee was not enough. This morning I received a threatening phone call from the bank (auto-informer) and again I was forced to contact the department involved in servicing cards and again explain the situation. From a conversation with an employee it turned out that the amount of debt is 2 rubles. 13 kopecks, but there are no other ways to deposit this amount other than transferring the card to another person. When I asked if it was possible to deposit funds by transfer from my account in another bank, the employee replied that this was possible, but he could not provide me with exact information about the details of such a transfer. At this time, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to transfer the card to another person to deposit funds or transfer funds from another bank. According to the doctor's forecasts, the restriction of my ability to move may last until mid-November or early December of this year, so I will not have the opportunity to personally visit a bank branch until then. I draw attention to the following facts: 1) When receiving the card, I was not provided with information that funds could be debited from the salary card if the balance was zero and a credit debt could arise; 2) I made efforts to pay off the specified debt and deposited funds into the account, but, for an unknown reason, this amount was not enough; 3) Despite the fact that I explained to the bank employees that, due to an injury, I could not personally visit the bank branch, they offered me the only way to resolve the problem - to transfer the card to another person, and later they began to exert psychological pressure. Best regards, Pavel Pavlov.

1) I ask you to consider this case, stop the threatening phone calls and offer a constructive way to solve the problem; 2) Pay attention to the problems that arise for people with disabilities using the bank’s services; 3) Inform salary card holders that funds may be debited from their cards if the balance is zero and credit debt may arise.

Bank representative's response

28.10.2013 11:35:45

Dear Customer!

On August 10, 2013, a transaction was recorded on your card at the SUBWAY RESTAURANT TSP.
The operation was completed without prior blocking of funds on the account (authorization).
Within up to 33 days, such transactions are received by the bank immediately as a payment document and debited from the card account, regardless of the availability of funds in the account.
Thus, on August 12, 2013, after the payment document was executed, the available balance on your card became negative.

There is currently a debt on your card. You can find out about the amount of debt in the Customer Service Department by phone: 8-800-100-24-24 (calls within Russia are free).

You can find out about ways to top up your VTB24 bank card on the bank’s website using the link

We also inform you that after repaying the debt on the card, information about the existence of a debt and the need to repay it will be stopped.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

VTB 24 (CJSC).

Overdrafts sometimes occur on debit cards. This happens due to the so-called overdraft - when the client spends more money than he has in his account. Any debt that arises above the limit at VTB 24 is regulated by an agreement.

What is excess debt

VTB 24's excess debt is essentially a deliberate overspending. It can arise only if there is an appropriate agreement, which comes as an annex to the main contract.

Overdraft by salary or debit card

This overdraft is similar to a line of credit - it has characteristics such as:

  • duration of the grace period - at VTB it is tied to the end of the calendar month;
  • interest rate – 20%;
  • minimum monthly payment – ​​10% of the debt (plus interest);
  • limit, usually tied to the average salary.

Having the right to over-limit debt on a VTB 24 salary card, the client can spend more money than he has in his account, but must cover the debt within a month with at least the minimum payment. This turns a regular debit card into a hybrid with a credit card.

Technical overdraft

When the question arises, what is above-limit debt on a VTB card, you must definitely mention a technical overdraft. It occurs when two conditions coincide:

  • the client topped up the card, but the funds were not actually credited, although they were reflected on the balance;
  • the client made a payment that exceeded the account balance.

Also, technical overruns occur when making payments in foreign currency, if the conversion operation was carried out the next day, when the exchange rate changed not in favor of the client. Such debt arises due to the fact that payments do not have time to be processed on the bank’s business day and for other reasons.

Technically, an excess debt incurred in VTB 24 on a salary card is not a debt and is not included in the client’s credit history. However, it will have to be paid, albeit without interest. Accrual of fines and penalties is also illegal.

How to pay off an overdraft

To repay VTB Bank's over-limit debt, it is enough to put the missing amount on the card. As a rule, an overdraft is closed automatically, and no special actions are required for this - this applies to both regular and technical overdrafts.

However, if the debt arose due to the fault of the bank, then it is fair to demand compensation from the credit institution. To do this, you need to contact the operations center or go to a VTB 24 branch and file a complaint. As a rule, there are no problems with payment of compensation. As a last resort, you can contact the bank.

How to cancel an overdraft

To avoid the occurrence of excess debt on a VTB 24 debit card, it is enough to terminate the concluded agreement. Usually it is signed automatically along with the main card service agreement, but many simply do not read the documents they sign.

To terminate the agreement, it is enough to send a corresponding application to the bank. As a last resort, you can simply close one card with an overdraft and open another, without the possibility of VTB 24 exceeding the limit debt.


Over-limit debt at VTB 24 may arise as a result of contractual relations for servicing payment cards. Such an overdraft occurs as a result of an overdraft permitted by the agreement, or as a result of a time delay between the purchase being made and the payment being made to the current account within the bank. To avoid the occurrence of such debt, it is necessary to terminate the corresponding agreement with the bank for servicing the card.

Overdraft by debit card. The bank writes that an over-limit debt has arisen. and got the best answer

Answer from Terminator-5[guru]
Overdraft can only be done on a credit card. But the trick is that with this credit card you can use your own money without resorting to the Bank’s money. Deposit your money and use it. They will simply charge you for servicing your credit card. But it may happen that you have spent your money and continue to use the card as if nothing had happened. In this case, you take money on credit from the Bank using your card at their cannibalistic interest rates. And here there can be so many people rushing in that it doesn’t seem like enough. You must carefully read the report that the Bank must send you monthly. Otherwise you will end up in debt.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Overdraft on a debit card. The bank writes that an over-limit debt has arisen.

Answer from Yergey Familny[guru]
There cannot be an overdraft on a debit card. Unless you withdrew the erroneously credited funds

Answer from Persifina[guru]
You need to contact the bank or they screwed up there or some conditions of the properties of your card played a role. It also happens, for example, that the salary is higher (i.e. the amount is incorrect)
you've credited it, you've withdrawn it in full, there's nothing left on the balance, then when they discover it's the same one and the overdraft, of course they can charge you for servicing the card, in short, tell them where you got the card from

A couple of weeks ago I encountered an unpleasant situation that occurred due to the complete idiocy of the VTB Online application. This situation, at the request of the official account of VTB24 Bank, was described in detail at the postal address [email protected] September 19. There was no response.

In the evening of one day, I credited funds to my VTB24 card through an ATM. That same evening, seeing that the credited funds were reflected in the available balance, I transferred part of the funds to the savings account.

The next day I made purchases using the card and towards the end of the working day I received an SMS informing me that I had an over-limit debt. During my visit to the bank, the manager informed me that the money credited the day before had still not been transferred to my account, and I had already made expenses. As a result, “it turned out to be a minus.” In addition, the manager said that nothing bad had happened and the money would eventually arrive, there was nothing to worry about.

As a result, the money was received, and a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the excess debt was written off from my account. This is understandable - the card is a debit card, so there is no provision for overspending on it.

At those times I didn’t take screenshots, so now I decided to simulate this situation and show all the stupidity of the VTB Online application.

Initial data: VTB24 card with a balance of more than 20 thousand. We transfer 32 thousand from the master account to it and go to the mobile application.

As you can see, in the application it is clearly written “Available balance” and the amount is indicated taking into account the money credited (pictures are clickable).

This is where the trap lies in wait for us if we spend more right now than we had before enrolling. Pay attention to the “Extract” tab. Only those funds that were available before enrollment are still available there. The transfer from the master account says “In Processing”!

It’s complete idiocy when the information on two tabs of the mobile application differs: on the “information” tab, the available balance exceeds 60,000 rubles, while on the “statement” tab it is less than 30,000. Apparently, the logic of the VTB24 bank system is such that write-offs occur based on the data in the first tab, but fines and penalties for exceeding the limit are accrued according to the actual state of affairs, which is reflected in the second.

Disgusting, VTB24! It’s a pity that such a large bank is not able to make a normal application so as not to mislead users.

UPD 09/28/2016: the official Twitter account remembered me and promised to return the written off amount for the over-limit. As of 11:48 am on September 28, the refund has not been processed.

UPD2: 09/28/2016 at 16:10 I discovered that the written off amount had been credited. It’s nice that VTB responded to the situation, but this fact does not negate the presence of problems in the mobile application.

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